What's going on with Ravn?

The Allegations

On October 14, 2022, an anonymous account posted allegations of cheating and gaslighting against Ravn.The accuser (OP) claims that she met Ravn in February 2020 in a hotel in Japan, and they had sex when she was extremely drunk. Following this, they met up again a few times in Japan and South Korea before COVID-19 restrictions, and stayed in contact after that. In 2022, OP moved to South Korea and they officially started dating.OP points out several problems she had in the relationship:
- They had to keep the relationship a secret even from their close friends
- Ravn made her pay for everything, claiming that his company would find out if he paid
- Ravn would lie to her and hang out with girls, which caused a fight between them and he promised to cut off all other girls after that
She also made some other claims about Ravn's past, his reputation, and interactions with other idols:
- His hiatus in 2019 was actually due to "girl problems", and not health concerns, as stated by RBW.
- RBW confiscated his phone in conjunction with the hiatus and he did not get it back until July 2020.
- He used the alias Kim Jihoon until well into their relationship
- Idols in his generation don't like him and gossiped about how he can't take care of his girlfriend
- He talked behind the back of a female idol friend
- He asks female idols for their numbers under the pretext of "we go to the same salon"
At some point, Ravn wanted to break up with her, but she requested him to give it a month. Following this, she started noticing weird behavior from him.
OP came into contact with one of his ex-girlfriends and through her, discovered that Ravn had been dating another girl, Lee Haeun, since late 2020. OP claimed that the ONEUS members were aware of Ravn's relationship with Lee Haeun, and that is why OP herself was never introduced to them.
OP also makes several claims about Lee Haeun:
- She posted "lovestagram" pics and used fake fan accounts to drop hints about her relationship with Ravn
- She harassed Ravn's ex-girlfriend
- Around the time Ravn asked to break up with OP, she was spreading rumors about a Japanese girl getting in the way of her relationship
- She was out to destroy every girl who had dated Ravn
- She was somehow involved in creating a rift between Ravn's family and his ex girlfriend, who had contacted his mother and sister with claims about Ravn but was met with distrust
OP realized that Ravn had been cheating on her and lying to her about it (which she termed as gaslighting). OP confronted him and he denied her accusation, saying Lee Haeun was just a friend who he had used to get rid of his ex-girlfriend, and even offering that the three of them could talk. Ravn also allegedly made threatening comments about the ex-girlfriend. After he left, OP messaged him to take him up on the offer to meet Lee Haeun, but he got angry and broke up with her, threatening her with the company's name.OP claims that Ravn came into her apartment without her knowledge to return her key (which she terms as breaking and entering). OP also claimed to have received anonymous calls from someone she describes as an idol fangirl. OP claims that she moved and changed her number out of fear and had to seek medical help for depression.OP posted the following evidence to support her claims:
- alleged security footage of Ravn entering her apartment
- audio recordings of Ravn allegedly threatening his ex-girlfriend and OP
- a photo of Ravn allegedly celebrating his birthday at OP's apartment
- photos of alleged couple keychains and a KakaoTalk chat screenshot of them allegedly talking about unboxing them together
- screenshots of Lee Haeun's instagram showing alleged "lovestagram" posts
On October 16, 2022, OP posted further evidence:
- more alleged KakaoTalk chats with Ravn
- a screenshot from a taxi app showing several trips to and from the vicinity of the RBW building
On December 15, 2022, the account was found to be deactivated.

The Evidence

Alleged security footage showing Ravn enter OP's apartment
Dates and Times:
2022.03.21 00:27:42
2022.03.25 03:49:33
2022.04.01 02:33:54
2022.06.17 02:10:22
2022.07.25 23:53:25

Audio recording of Ravn allegedly threatening his ex-girlfriend and OP
Caption: Abusive language about ex-girlfriend
Just hearing the name | if we didn't meet through an acquaintance | If that woman/(someone) just didn't talk (about something) | kill/die | could quit being a singer, stab/get stabbed with a knife | it's so stressful just | that's how much I | but I
Apparent cuts in the audio are indicated by |
Text in green could be 그년 (rude way of saying "that woman") or 그냥 (just)
Text in red sounds like a different male voice
Caption: Last threatening call to me
I think it's right to not contact you. Sorry, don't contact me again. Yeah, I will block you, don't contact me, I will change the phone number. Let's end this, if you contact me again I will ask the company to deal with you. Yeah, bye.

Photos of Ravn allegedly celebrating his birthday at OP's apartment, alleged couple keyrings, and a KakaoTalk chat about the keyringsTranslation of KakaoTalk chat

Alleged "lovestagram" photos from Instagram account hxexxl (Lee Haeun), allegedly Ravn's other girlfriend (referred to as ㅇㅎㅇ)
- Matching phonecase
- A bucket hat
- A Japan trip overlapping with ONEUS' Japan schedules
- Rose and black cat motifs

Alleged KakaoTalk chats between Ravn and OP and a taxi app screenshot posted on 2022.10.16
Translation of KakaoTalk chats
Taxi app screenshot: Shows multiple trips to and from the vicinity of the RBW headquarters and a location in Gangnam

The Aftermath

Updates from RBW

Hello, this is RBW.
First, we sincerely thank the fans who care for the group ONEUS, and we are letting you know that we are currently in the process of carefully checking the truth regarding the posts made about member Ravn.Additionally, we promise to do our utmost to precisely determine all the facts.Thank you.2022.10.17
Hello. This is RBW.
We express our sincere gratitude to fans who are sending lots of love and support to group ONEUS, and we would like to inform you regarding the matter of Ravn’s private life, which recently circulated through social media.The agency is thoroughly checking the authenticity of the relevant case, and we will halt all of Ravn’s scheduled activities until the truth is confirmed. Accordingly, ONEUS will continue as a five-membered group for all scheduled activities going forward.In the case that the agency checks that the circulator’s claims are found to be groundless falsehoods, we inform you that we will be responding strongly through our law firm.Furthermore, we also confirmed that the concerned post is completely irrelevant to the other ONEUS members. We deeply apologize once more to fans who must have been surprised by this sudden news, and we will do our best to confirm the truth more carefully. Thank you.2022.10.27
Hello, this is RBW.
We sincerely thank fans for loving the group ONEUS, and with a heavy heart, we are announcing the departure of member RAVN. We want to inform you about Ravn’s withdrawal from ONEUS.Regarding this issue, Ravn was concerned about the damage it was causing to the ONEUS members and fans and voluntarily decided to withdraw from the group. After careful discussion with the members, we have agreed to respect the opinion of the voluntary withdrawal. Therefore, Ravn has officially withdrawn from the group as of today.ONEUS plans to continue its activities as a five-member group in the future. Besides Ravn’s withdrawal, we have discovered false facts and malicious editing in the posts related to Ravn and we plan to reveal the clear facts through litigation. In addition, strong legal action will be taken against indiscriminate and malicious slander against the company and the artists. Regardless of whether the post was true, we also feel responsible for the lack of artist management.We sincerely apologize for causing concern to many people due to the issue of our artist’s private life. We hope for a lot of interest and support for ONEUS’s activities in the future, and once again, we bow our heads in apology for causing concern to the fans.2022.10.29 Latest
RBW confirmed to 왓IS that Ravn is still signed to the company and that they are in the process of organizing his contract.

Updates from Lee Haeun

Hello, I'm Lee Haeun.
I thought that it would be okay if I stayed still after the rumor happened. But I'm bringing it up because It's getting even worse and keep making another rumors.
I can't believe that there are many people who think that the rumor is true.
I am a victim.
The writter who wrote the lies, distributed my personal information and mentioned me with a mixture of lies and speculation.
Also, since the damage caused by the disclosure continues, I think I will have no choice but to take legal action if the writer does not apologize or take appropriate measures.
From now on, we will also file a simultaneous complaint against comments, malicious comments, and rumors.
Caption: I have given you enough time and opportunity
Picture: A stack of documents, with OP's tweets visible on the top page
2023.02.16 Latest
Picture: Document with the words "for court submission" and "enforcement rules of the law" visible

Analysis of Claims and Evidence

Language inconsistencies
- OP claims to be Japanese. However, the Japanese version of her post has mistakes that make it seem machine translated from the Korean version, such as literally translating the colloquial term for a drinking party (술자리) to "a seat for alcohol" (お酒の席), which does not have the same connotation in Japanese. More examples
- The alleged Ravn's side of the chat had several repeated mistakes that would be highly unusual for a native Korean speaker to make. These mistakes and typing habits (such as using ㅋㅋ or ㅎㅎ) were also inconsistent with the way Ravn is known to write on all other platforms. More examples
Static timestamp on the security footage
- Each clip is 2-3 seconds long, but the 'seconds' value in the timestamp does not increase throughout.
- This indicates that the timestamp was edited on to the video.
- This also raises questions about the source and authenticity of the video.
Splicing and lack of context in the audio
Clip 1: Ravn allegedly threatening an ex-girlfriend
- The audio does not confirm the context given by OP in the caption. There is no indication of who he is talking about.
- It is heavily spliced to the extent that each segment only contains a couple of words or a phrase.
- Korean is a highly contextual language, and subject and object are often omitted from sentences. This is the case here, and the splicing completely eliminates any context from each segment of the audio, making it impossible to ascertain the subject and object.
- This is especially relevant for the alleged threat: he could be talking about stabbing someone else, stabbing himself, someone else stabbing him, or even a different person quitting their career and stabbing/getting stabbed. The stabbing could also be meant metaphorically, not literally.
- There also seems to be a distinct second male voice heard briefly in the audio, which would make it unlikely that this was shared with OP in a private conversation, contrary to OP's claims.
- Even if the words are correctly contextualized by OP, it is clear that the speaker is venting about being stressed to an unrelated person and not making a genuine or direct threat to the person he is apparently talking about. Presenting it as a threat that he intends to act upon is manipulative and a bad faith argument.
- Only one of the phrases quoted by OP in the narrative is heard in the recording. Phrases like "hate her so much you could kill her"; "wish you could get her deported forever" are missing.
- OP claims that in the same conversation Ravn confirmed that Lee Haeun is a friend who he used to get rid of his ex-girlfriend. Recording/posting that would have given credence to the allegations.
Clip 2: Ravn allegedly threatening OP
- Here as well, there is no indication of who he is talking about and their relation to him, so the clip does not confirm the context given by OP's caption. Given the content of the audio, it could easily have been targeted to a stalker harassing him.
- This conversation is also presented very differently in OP's narrative compared to the audio itself.
- Key phrases that OP quotes in the narrative that would confirm their relationship are missing from the audio, such as "I don’t even like you anymore" and "Stop calling me because I don’t have feelings for you now"
- OP also describes this as Ravn getting aggressive and threatening her, but in the audio the speaker sounds calm and cautious.
- In the audio he is repeatedly asking the other person to stop contacting him, informing them that he's blocking them and would change his number. He says he would get his company to take action only if despite the measures taken the person keeps contacting him against his will - which would be harassment. Presenting this as a threat when he is simply asking not to be harassed is, again, in bad faith and manipulative.
Mismatched dates and outfits
- In the video, Ravn is allegedly shown to enter OP's apartment at 00:27 on March 21, 2022. Given the time, it is presumable that he would be wearing the outfit he wore on March 20, 2022. However, the outfit seen in the video matches the outfit he wore on the night of March 21 for the tomoon anniversary special live.
- In the chat, OP wishes "Ravn" a happy birthday again at 00:01 on September 2, 2022, and he thanks her for preparing the cake. Based on this and the photos posted by OP, it is presumable that he visited her on the night of September 1. However, the outfit he's wearing in the photos matches the outfit he wore on the night of September 2 while celebrating with ONEUS and his birthday live.
Issues with the KakaoTalk chats
- The reliability of KakaoTalk screenshots as evidence is questionable as there are several realistic apps that mimic the interface.
- Ravn's name is not mentioned in any of the screenshots, and only one pair of screenshots contains his selcas and can be actually linked to him.
- Out of the two sets of selcas, one set was already confirmed to have been posted publicly, and the other also seems to have been taken for official purposes during a schedule.
- Regardless of the authenticity of the chats, they are inconsistent with OP's description of events:
- OP claims Ravn always made her pay for everything whenever he came to visit her because his company would know if he used his credit card, but in the chat, "Ravn" was looking for a taxi himself - this contradicts OP's claim that it was an established decision that he wouldn't pay to hide their relationship from the company.
- OP booked the taxi without "Ravn" asking her to and only informed him once she had already booked it, to which he would have no choice but to accept it and thank her. Resenting him for a favor that he did not ask for and she was not obligated to do does not make sense.
- The taxi app screenshot only proves that several trips to/from the vicinity of the RBW building were booked, it does not confirm that they were booked for Ravn.
- OP also claims that she caught Ravn lying to her to hang out with other girls and he begged for her forgiveness, but in the chat, OP was mad at "Ravn" for not informing her that he was hanging out with friends.
- In OP's narrative, Ravn promising to cut off "all other girls" is presented as him promising not to cheat on OP again, but in the chat "Ravn" makes it clear that they are his friends and that him having female friends shouldn't be a problem, pointing out that she has male friends too. OP does not rebut the argument. He is eventually pressured into the promise to cut off his friends to preserve the relationship.
Couple items
- Pokemon Surprise Eggs keychains are a common product owned by thousands of other people.
- There are inconsistencies in the number and type of keychains:
- There are only eight eggs before unboxing, but ten keychains after unboxing.
- The keychains used by Ravn and OP as per the photos do not match the keychains shown after unboxing: they both seem to have charizards despite there being only one in their alleged haul, while Ravn has an espeon, which is not present in their haul at all.

- Based on the alleged chat, "Ravn" did not know about the product at all before this, and Ravn posted his keychain on Bubble within hours of allegedly unboxing them with OP, ruling out chances of him buying the discrepant ones at a different time.
- The phonecase that OP alleged to be a couple item with Lee Haeun is also a common product that is also owned by other idols.
Lee Haeun's denial of involvement
- Lee Haeun has denied OP's claims and confirmed that OP distributed her personal information without her consent.
- The alleged "lovestagram" posts on her Instagram did not support any of the allegations made against her or Ravn.
Other inconsistencies in the claims
- OP claims that Ravn's phone was confiscated by RBW in relation to his hiatus in 2019 and he did not get it back until July 2020, but he is seen with his phones on several occasions throughout this period: 1 2 3. OP's claim that the hiatus was because of "girl problems" would also imply that RBW and ONEUS lied about Ravn's health issues.
- Ravn is known to be friends with a lot of idols/artists (male and female, peers and seniors) in the industry, which is inconsistent with OP's claims about him having a bad reputation among his peers and being creepy towards female idols. Staff and old schoolmates also only had positive things to say about him.
- OP's claims such as hiding from his staff, visiting him at RBW, etc. soon after they first met would indicate that she already knew his identity and profession, which makes her grievance about him using an alias well into their relationship confusing.
- While it's not impossible for their first meeting and subsequent "dates" in Japan and South Korea in 2020 to have occurred, the window of time is quite narrow:
-The subsequent meetings in Japan would either have to be in the few days that ONEUS stayed in the city they met in (provided OP also stayed there for at least as long), or either him or OP would have to travel to meet in between ONEUS' tight schedules.
-ONEUS returned from Japan on Feb 17 and left for New Zealand in late February/early March, returning just in time (Mar 5) for international travel restriction because of COVID (Mar 6), leaving a roughly 10-day window in which OP could have travelled to South Korea and visited him. COVID-related procedures (such as mandatory quarantine) and visa processes would also affect the feasibility of this trip.


Misconceptions about Ravn’s personal and professional relationshipsRavn was kicked out by the company because of the allegations.
Based on both RBW and ONEUS' words, it is clear that Ravn himself decided to withdraw from the group to avoid causing damage to their image.
RBW's statement makes it clear that Ravn was the one to approach them with the request to withdraw. The statement also indicates that discussions between the company and the six members did not end in a unanimous conclusion, but they eventually agreed to respect his decision.
As per the latest update about Ravn, it is confirmed that he is still signed to RBW and that the company will be taking legal action on behalf of him.
ONEUS have distanced themselves from Ravn, said that they’re 5 and did not seem to care that he left, unlike other groups in similar situations. ONEUS’ actions show that he did something wrong.
Have you considered that maybe this is a very unhealthy dose of confirmation bias?
This should not even be a question anymore if you have watched the Unforgettable MV and read the lyrics (for more: a thread summarizing many of the references to Ravn in ONEUS' comeback)In addition to the message in their music, here are more reasons why that is untrue:- Ravn voluntarily left the group. Unlike other cases where you might expect the remaining members to silently show solidarity to a member who had been unjustly removed, in this case both RBW and ONEUS made it clear that the departure was Ravn's own decision and they simply agreed to respect it. ONEUS moving forward as 5 and saying that they’re 5 is with Ravn’s blessing and respecting his own decision, similar to any other case where members choose to leave willingly for personal or health-related reasons.- Unlike most groups, ONEUS publicly addressed Ravn’s departure. They made no effort to hide their pain at losing a member, nor did they shy away from explicitly promising support to him going forward. Even as they declared that they would move forward as 5, their ending speeches in the concert on 2022.10.29 were a heartfelt farewell to Ravn and to the six-membered ONEUS.- By speaking about it publicly, in a way ONEUS have raised the stakes for what actions are perceived as supportive from them. While in other cases acts like wearing the former member’s accessories or seemingly symbolic gestures are enough for fans to assume implicit support, these often get dismissed in ONEUS’ case even in addition to their explicit indications of continued support.- Even if ONEUS had fallen out with Ravn following the scandal or his departure, it would not necessarily mean that Ravn did something wrong. This is a very black-and-white perception that puts rest of ONEUS on a pedestal while treating Ravn like a cartoon villain. For all we could know, they may have just lashed out at each other while struggling to cope with the difficult situation, or lost touch and grown distant. In the end, we do not know these people or what happened between them. What we do know for now is that there's no signs of bad blood between them, rather both sides have shown signs of still being on good terms.ONEUS have made shady comments about Ravn and indicated that they don’t like him.
Excerpts of ONEUS’ words, including misquoted excerpts from Hwanwoong and Seoho’s concert speeches (Transcripts Source), have repeatedly been taken out of context to fuel confirmation bias about Ravn’s guilt or validate fans choosing to be outright hateful.
- Hwanwoong did not say “I hate you but the memories would not disappear”; a complete and accurate-to-nuance translation would be: “I’m so upset (with you) but I want to say that you worked so hard. Even though we can’t be together anymore, the times we spent together won’t disappear, so I wanted to tell you that we will continue silently cheering you on. Since the times we spent with you, hyung, won’t disappear, and because we’ll be cheering you on, we hope that you will cheer us on too.”- Seoho did not say that he "couldn’t believe at first that Ravn had done it", this is very egregiously misquoted. This was what he actually said: “Since he was the person I was the closest with, someone whom I've spent a lot of days with, so many days next to, at first I couldn't believe it: was this situation really happening? After that, a lot of awkward moments passed by. I thought a lot about what I could do in this situation, but there wasn't much I could do. So I thought about doing what I can do right now. That's how I got through it until today, and it was so hard. Both my heart and body were struggling, so I realized that this was a big part of my life.”- Is Seoho saying he’s practicing rap “throwing shade” or is he just giving a hint about the concert setlist - there were two songs in which he had his own rap verses, and barely any of Ravn’s verses were reassigned to him. The widely quoted comment about being an “uncontroversial fashionista” was completely out of context and had no link to Ravn - there's no reason to think he wasn't genuinely talking about his own fashion sense. People bring up his his quip about being the oldest now, but the same night he was crying his eyes out talking about how helpless he felt to do anything about the situation and how much he was struggling. He was evidently so overwhelmed with pain regarding the situation that he could barely talk about it without breaking down, and it’s insensitive to act as if he didn’t care just so you can live your mean girl fantasy through him.- Leedo’s words about them moving on as 5 and a response to hateful messages mentioning Ravn being sent to him and rest of ONEUS have also been repeatedly used to validate silencing anyone supporting Ravn. Leedo’s words are drawing a boundary: that they’re not open to talking about Ravn, answering any questions about him, or entertaining expectations that Ravn would return to the group. They’re trying desperately to move on from the traumatic situation and are in no position to answer any questions or demands about Ravn to begin with, this is a very reasonable boundary to draw. However, this doesn't in any way imply that fans should not support Ravn as a separate entity from the group or not acknowledge their past as six.If he's innocent why did Giuk (CyA) unfollow him? If even his collaborators are cutting public ties, why aren't you?
Giuk has a history of unfollowing or (temporarily) removing collabs from his soundcloud if someone gets into a controversy, and if the controversy is resolved the "public ties" get restored. It may be a way of showing he's taking the allegations seriously, or simply an attempt to stay out of the issue, but obviously it is not a verdict on the issue. You can't claim that ONEUS were completely unaware about everything for all these years but at the same time claim that Giuk "must know something" within hours of the controversy when even RBW had not started investigating the issue.
On the other hand, Haruka Yanagawa, a songwriter who often worked with ONEUS, expressed sadness about his departure, and collaborators like Oneway are still working with him. Evidently, all collaborators are not cutting public ties - some are silent, some are showing implicit or explicit support, and like them we can all make our own decisions.
If he's innocent why did none of his friends speak up for him?
How would you react if they did? Would you say “OMG idol A from group Z said he’s innocent so that must be true” or would you say “The relationship was a secret so how would they even know if she’s lying? Ugh, silencing victims to support your abuser friend is so disgusting, A is as bad as Ravn”?
Now you know why they won’t say anything.
Misconceptions about the caseEven if Lee Haeun is telling the truth, it means nothing for the allegations against Ravn. Both her and OP can be telling the truth and we can support both of them while holding Ravn accountable. Maybe OP just got the wrong girl, or was fed lies about her.
While Lee Haeun isn't directly defending Ravn, the allegations about them overlap enough for it to make a substantial difference.
- Despite OP's narrative claiming that Lee Haeun was also being cheated on and lied to, she has made no allegations against Ravn. She has only claimed to be the victim of OP's actions (doxing and defamation).- Regardless of whether it was malicious or misinformed, OP made several serious allegations against Lee Haeun with no proof and exposed her identity, causing damage to her reputation and inciting harassment. If the claims are false, doxing an innocent person based on lies or unverified claims only further paints OP in a bad light. This brings OP's credibility and the veracity of every unsupported claim into question.- Even presuming that everything else is true, OP main allegation is that Ravn was cheating on her with Lee Haeun and gaslighting her about it, and for her this allegation was validated solely based on Lee Haeun's alleged behavior - such as "lovestagram" posts, using fake fan accounts to drop hints about their relationship, and harassing Ravn's ex-girlfriend. She could not have possibly gotten the wrong girl, she could've only jumped to the wrong conclusions. If these claims are false, it would mean that she has no actual basis for thinking Ravn was cheating or gaslighting her, and her constant unsubstantiated suspicion of Ravn and her pressuring him to cut off his female friends because of her own paranoia might even suggest that she could've been the emotionally abusive partner in the relationship.- OP's own claims undermine the possibility of both Lee Haeun and OP telling the truth. The only realistic way for this to be possible would be if the ex-girlfriend lied to OP about Lee Haeun, but according to OP, upon being confronted Ravn claimed that he had used Lee Haeun to get his ex-girlfriend off his back - which would mean that if OP is telling the truth the ex-girlfriend's alleged claims about Lee Haeun would have to be true.It is not possible to support both OP and Lee Haeun when their interests lie on opposite ends: the former accused the latter of abusive actions and incited her persecution, and the latter is taking legal action against the former. Choosing to "believe" both of them while refusing to even consider the possibility of Ravn's innocence just makes you sound unreasonable.RumorsHe was begging fans for gifts on Bubble.
No, this was a rumor started by known antifans using out of context screenshots from his Bubble where he mentioned things he already intended to buy, and fans buying him the same items would’ve been redundant. It was well-known among fans that he loved shopping and spent a lot on fashion, collectibles and rare/limited edition items, so it was clear that he was just sharing his interests. The main point of criticism was him mentioning his size in a conversation, but that was out of context: he was explaining that he wore different sizes for different pants depending on the fit he thought was suitable, even wearing different sizes for different colors of the same pants.
He talks badly about the members behind their backs.
The source of this rumor is a now deleted clip with excerpts of Ravn’s words from a fansign, with the poster claiming that he kept disparaging the members to praise himself. In the clip he talks about the director praising his vocals in a certain part saying that he did it better than the other members. It is pretty obvious that he wasn’t trying to say that he’s a better vocalist than the other members. Contrarily, he has been insecure about his vocals and has repeatedly talked about improving and showcasing them more, which is exactly why he would be so excited to be praised for doing a vocal part better than the best vocalists in the group. He has also never held back on praising the other members’ skills, both to their face and behind their back, and encouraging them to try new things that he thinks they have potential for.
The clip was posted soon after Leedo talked about receiving hate comments related to Ravn, and the poster had the explicit motive of further ruining his image so other fans would stop supporting him, so it can hardly be considered unbiased.
He's ungrateful for fan gifts and threatened to throw away an expensive mic because of a superficial flaw.
There is no proof of this interaction with Ravn occurring at all, so this claim is entirely alleged.
A fan posted screenshots of their conversation with ONEUS’ fan manager to show that they had received a request to repair Ravn’s mic on short notice because of a small painting flaw, and claimed that they had brought this up to Ravn at a fansign, where he allegedly did even not thank them and instead said that usually if something is imperfect he would throw it away, but because his personality has changed now he used it anyway.
Again, this was posted soon after Leedo talked about receiving hate comments related to Ravn, there was no video or audio evidence to show what was said, and the poster had the explicit motive of damaging his image so other fans would stop supporting him, so it’s hard to take the claims as an unbiased and truthful account.
Moreover, other fans countered with evidence of their own interactions with Ravn where he sincerely thanked them and showed appreciation for fan gifts regardless of perfection or cost. The numerous times he’s shown gratitude and appreciation for fan gifts over the past four years can’t be outweighed by one alleged interaction which could’ve easily been misrepresented, misinterpreted, or even completely fabricated.
Many fans came forward with negative experiences with him.
No, fans did not come forward with “negative experiences”: most of these fans just said he gave them “bad vibes”, one or two fans claimed there were so many other fans in their dms who claimed he had made them uncomfortable, and none of them gave any details on what he had done. The most detailed accounts were a rumor from an unknown source saying he got “too touchy” during fansigns (which was countered by many fans coming forward with their own experiences with video evidence showing him clearly leaving it up to the fans whether they want to hold hands) and a fan claiming he was fatphobic because they didn’t get an interaction from him during a concert (which is nonsensical but was also countered by other fans).
It also must be noted that each fan’s experience is defined not only by the idol’s actions, but also by their own subjective perception, which is completely out of the idol’s control. It is entirely possible for an idol to do nothing wrong and a fan to still have a negative experience solely because of incompatibility.
Ravn and Leedo were fatphobic to Keonhee.
Ravn and Leedo joked about Keonhee gaining weight because of his mukbang show, and all of ONEUS including Keonhee laughed about it. Other members of ONEUS have also routinely made jokes about each others weight, with Ravn often at the butt of it because he is the “heaviest member”. Might as well cancel all of them now. Hell, cancel every kpop group ever because they've all joked or made comments about each other's weight at some point.
If we’re taking jokes on Idol Human Theater so seriously, do you also believe that Leedo is physically abusive to Seoho? Anyone who understands ONEUS’ sense of humor should realize that most of the time the things they tease each other about are utter bullcrap. Ravn and Leedo even clarified on a live later that they were just teasing Keonhee for the sake of it and even praised his body.
What people need to understand is that they don’t need to respect your level of comfort when they poke fun at each other, they only need to respect each other's level of comfort.

On October 14, 2022, an anonymous account posted allegations of cheating and gaslighting against Ravn.Ravn voluntarily withdrew from ONEUS to prevent damaging the group's image. He is still signed under RBW Entertainment.RBW Entertainment stated that they had found false facts and malicious editing in the allegation posts and announced that they will be taking legal action to reveal the truth.A third party whose identity and Instagram account was mentioned in the allegation post, Lee Haeun, is also taking legal action against the accuser.Various inconsistencies and indications of malicious editing can be spotted in the claims and evidence posted by the accuser, casting doubt on the credibility of the allegations.On February 24, 2023, Ravn released a mixtape on his SoundCloud with accompanying MVs on his personal YouTube, with the songs dealing with his emotions during this period. This marked his first public post since the allegations surfaced. Since April 8, 2023, Ravn seems to have become active on SNS again, making several posts and comments on his personal Instagram and YouTube.